Twitter: @BronyMusicAnniv

WARNING: Not mobile friendly at the moment. Also working on our 2024 revamp, so some sections are down or being edited as we speak.

Our goal is to celebrate music created by Brony musicians by promoting and informing the masses on the day it was released (according to Eastern Time Zone/Bandcamp’s Time Zone) with a special post, Twitter tag (if they made/still have a Twitter), and a link to the music(s). Now, some albums will be non-MLP related, and some will be 18+/NSFW, although most will not be the case.

To keep things neat, promote content you have never heard of, and to not overwhelm everyone with an unfathomable boatload of music a day, Brony Music Anniversary is sticking to primarily Bandcamp content. However, other official sites like iTunes, Amazon Music, and Spotify will also be used if an artist or album is not on Bandcamp (like WoodenToaster/Glaze, SGaP, or Bronies for Good, for example).

Musicians posted are ones that posted something about or is related to MLP anytime since the show came out in 2010. Albums/singles will be posted if they are pony related in any way (i.e an album created for the fandom, contains a pony or other Brony Artist song, and/or has something pony related in the album art). Some exceptions will be made (like for example, “Absolute Territory” by Ken Ashcorp since it is a common remix among Brony Musicians, or any Aviators albums past 2018). This is very loose and will error on the side of sharing more content.


Each day, the account will post two official posts: one dedicated to the albums that came out on that day, and what singles came out on that day. Multiple posts will be posted on days there are a lot of anniversaries.

Albums in terms of Brony Music Anniversary are a grouping of more than one song. Besides standard albums, they include:
- EPs & Instrumental Albums
- Singles with a bonus song or two (Like “Meet Fair Rarity” by PsychGoth)
- Singles with a second version of the song (Like for example, an Original Mix and VIP Mix together, or a single with a Remix)
- Remix Albums of one single song (Like Loyalty EP by AcousticBrony)
Single songs with an instrumental, acapella, extended, radio edit, bass boosted, and/or anything else in a similar fashion is considered still a single. Any sort of remix included will be added to “albums.” This is strictly to try to balance things out and things might change in the future

A Single is a single song up for purchase. It is still considered a single if there is an instrumental and/or acapella track attached, or if there is any sort of extension, edit, etc. Basically, if it is a piece of or near exactly the same song as the listed single by judgment, it is a single.

A Few Notes:

- The credited names for an album/single (if there is no Twitter for tagging) are 1.) The original name(s) listed when it was released and 2.) The current name of the artist (only for the Bandcamp it was found on)- Only Twitter tags will be for the Album Artist(s)/official Singles Artist(s) and Singles that have someone listed as "feat." in the title of said song. Artists that are listed as background instruments or released a song in the album (and is not the Album Artist) won’t be tagged. This is to save space with Twitter's character limit.- Regarding Remix Singles, at this point, the post will just state the Remixer(s) only. This is not to discredit the Remixee(s) in the slightest, but a formatting thing to save some space. The artist who made the original is often credited in the link anyway & will be credited (if found) on the links page.- Dates are what is listed for me, which is Central Time Zone (CST) or is whatever Bandcamp’s server's timezone is in. The dates are also the original upload/release (aka, the earliest date). If said date is incorrect (especially by a huge time gap), let us know as we didn't catch that. We know some artists post the song on YouTube first, then Bandcamp much later and we try to catch this when possible, but we are only human and will miss some of that (especially since there is well over 7000 unique entries that would require a second check).

These are questions that more than one person has asked since we started

Q: Why don't you do YouTube Anniversaries?

A: This is the most frequent question we get. While we want to do them, especially since it would promote many more artists & music, adding YouTube anniversaries would be a headache for us. Doing Bandcamp, Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, etc. is already a vast array of media, and YouTube will easily double that workload as well as overwhelm everyone with so much content a day. Even past that, YouTube dates can be tricky, especially since a lot of content has been deleted in one way or another or dates could be lost. We do this voluntarily and sacrifice sometimes hours a day to get this content out there. Maybe YouTube anniversaries or even Soundcloud anniversaries can happen in the future, but not anytime soon.

Q: Why is Bandcamp the primary source?

A: Besides YouTube, Bandcamp is the most used, non-archival platform for Brony musicians, and one of the most accurate in terms of release date. Past that, Bandcamp directly supports the artist with a staggering 82% average of every purchase (which is one of the best out there) & has the option to "Pay What You Want." Bottom line, by using Bandcamp links over other links when possible, it is better for supporting your favorite artists.

Q: Why is the abbreviation BMAnn and not BMA?

A: There is an archive channel called "Brony Music Archive" that already uses BMA. We chose BMAnn to not use the same abbreviation out of respect for such an amazing service that has preserved so much great music over the years.

Q: What are you doing about music that was created by known Pedophiles, Rapests, Racists, Transphobes, etc., or anyone that says terrible stuff on social media?

A: Every artist is a case-by-case basis. We do NOT support these actions or anything of the like in the slightest, and if we keep/post an artist that has been convicted of these things, that doesn't mean we support their actions or the act as a whole. For example, what we did do for artists like Omnipony and MandoPony is still celebrate their work, but stopped posting their Bandcamp links (and stating if anyone does want the album/song to message us for the free file).The staff of BMAnn also supports freedom of speech and are anti-cancel-culture, so artists' speech/beliefs will not necessarily warrant a removal. HOWEVER, if an artist expresses actions that physically hurt/kill someone based on their views (or wish death upon a certain person or group of people based on their views), then we might be more inclined to not tag them in posts nor link their Twitter on our sites. The music would most likely stay unless it clearly expresses actions that were stated earlier in the paragraph. Again, people can have their views/beliefs & us posting their music does not mean we believe what they state on their Twitters.In short, we just love awesome-sounding music. It just sucks sometimes that said music gets tainted by the artist's actions & beliefs. Basically, we support the music, not the artist in these cases. That is why we would most likely keep the music in our archive, but not link any links that would support the artist. Again, everything is case-by-case.And to put this in perspective, BMAnn is run by a diverse group of people of different races & genders (including transgender), and every decision is discussed in full before action is taken.

Q: Can I get added to the list?

A: Yes you can! Head over to the "Music Additions" link on the home page and fill out the forum. Below is a direct link to the forum as well.

Q: I don't have a Bandcamp. Can I still be a part of BMAnn?

A: Feel free to still fill out the Music Addition forum. While Bandcamp is our primary source, we use Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, and even personal sites (Like Bronies for Good & The SGaP site) on rare cases. We do have a link page for all checked musicians. At the very least, we'll add you to that, but if you don't have a Bandcamp or any of the alternate sources listed above, we sadly won't add you to the Master Document.Plus, we will definitely listen to your music at some point on our own personal time!

Q: Why is there non-Brony music on BMAnn?

A: Everything posted by BMAnn is by an artist/artists who has posted something MLP since 2010. If it is non-Brony, it could be either a song that a lot of other Brony musicians cover/remix (Absolute Territory comes to mind), it can have a lot of traction by Brony fans (like Aviators' post-2018 albums), it could just be a neutral song/album, or we simply added it for no reason by accident. We do try to error on the side of addition versus subtraction.If you noticed a non-Brony/non-Pony song, feel free to DM BMAnn or Brass Scribe on Twitter and we'll handle it accordingly.

Q: What do you do about 18+/NSFW censorship for posts?

A: There are a few songs/albums that do feature swear words, more NSFW artwork, or have high sexual energy. While we will still include songs where the lyrics are NSFW or contain swear words, we will try to take some steps to censor some extremely terrible words or very NSFW images.For swear words, we won't censor them unless they are a racist or clearly sexist word (if for some reason said album/track remains in our system). Words as bad as fuck, bitch, pussy/vagina, penis/cock, and others of that caliber won't be censored (unless the artist already censored it). The N-Word, the C-word (alt. name for pussy), word that rhymes with maggot for being gay, and other like words will either be censored on both the posts & the external sites, or the track/album won't be featured here.For sensitive or NSFW artwork, it will be flagged: "sensitivity" for gore and NSFW-like tones, "nudity" for obvious NSFW or suggestive art, and "violence" for bruised characters, intense violent acts, beheadings, excessive blood, or extreme death. Super NSFW pictures (mostly nude or basically nude images) do have a "Too Lewd" alt. picture that we'll use on the posts and the public database.Any external links from the posts are under the "click at your own risk" rule. This does include any official external sites hosted by BMAnn (like the Brony Musician Database or the link pages).

Q: Why was I not tagged for [X content]?

A: We tag the officially-listed artists of said album or song according to the site itself. For singles, we also tag the "feat." if possible. If you were listed listed in the description of the piece, are the original artist of a remixed song, are a member of the larger band that has its own Twitter (like The Wonderbolts!, Loudsdale, or Starlight), or had their song featured in a compilation (like Ponies at Dawn, A State of Sugar, or Balloon Party), then you won't be tagged. This is solely due to Twitter's character restrictions.We will try to state the original artist(s) of a cover/remix on the external links page.See next question if your Twitter @ was not properly linked in the tag.

Q: Why are you not properly tagging a certain account?

A: There are two reasons to why we aren't properly tagging an account and instead tagging like this: @/BronyMusicAnnivA majority of those are because said account isn't following BMAnn, rarely or never interacted with BMAnn [like, RT, or comment on posts], has dozens upon dozens of media in our database, AND has been getting tagged by BMAnn for over a year. This isn't a punishment, but to beat Twitter's very bad "spam account" detection algorithm. See pic below.

Others might've requested to not be properly tagged anymore, although that is extremely rare.

Q: There was an error on one of the posts (and/or) The date for one of the songs/albums is incorrect. What should we do?

A: We appreciate that you found the error and will happily fix it if you notify us, especially if it has to do with release dates (since those are tricky sometimes). Please message BMAnn or Brass Scribe on Twitter. We'll fix those in our Master Copies & public link pages.

Q: What's up with the ordering on the links page? It looks random.

A: I'll tell you that it is not random and the ordering is specific to a degree. While it doesn't follow alphabetical ordering or ordering by date, it is ordered by when it was added to the BMAnn system: the further up the order, the earliest it was added. It is this way to help add new music during our artist revisits for new content that we do 1-2 times a year & saves us time as ordering it those specific ways would be more time wasted on this already beefy project. Plus, Carrd hates me & its already difficult moving stuff around on those pages.

Q: Why feature four albums/singles on one post?

A: We want the images to be included on the post itself, and Twitter can only allow four per post max.Also, if we do just one per post, that'll be a lot of posts & Twitter will probably hate us. We don't want another Shadowban.

Q: Can BMAnn follow my account?

A: We only follow specific accounts. Usually the ones we follow are the compilation groups' accounts or ones that we use to help expand/run our account.Although, if you are a musician & we aren't following you on the BMAnn Test Account (@BMAnnAlt), let us know. We follow all musicians that are within our database there.

Q: Can I join the staff team of BMAnn?

A: If you want to be added as a beta tester, message the BMAnn Account (@BronyMusicAnniv) or Brass Scribe (@BrassScribe). Mostly, this entitles you testing our sites before they go full public. We'll also add you on the site as a beta tester.We also love when people find errors or have suggestions. Everyone in the Special Thanks has helped directly or indirectly with errors or made some killer suggestions.If you find an error or have a suggestion, go ahead and DM BMAnn or Brass Scribe on Twitter.Also, all the likes & RTs help a lot. Especially coming off a Shadowban, that stuff helps keep us in peoples' feeds.

Q: What inspired BMAnn?

A: Two people who helped inspire the first leap for BMAnn were Luck Rock (@LuckRockMusic) and Dewie (@DoTheDaringDew). In a music production panel at Whinny City Pony Con 2022, they mentioned that a fandom classic turned ten years old that year (forgot which one though). That gave our founder, Brass Scribe, the idea to make a Twitter stating the anniversaries of Brony Musicians' work since he didn't even know that fandom classic was ten years old.

Q: Who runs BMAnn?

A: It is mostly run and maintained by Brass Scribe, but there was a total of two or three of us at a time who can be credited for BMAnn. Plus, as mentioned before, everyone in "Special Thanks" helped make BMAnn what it is today, whether directly or indirectly.

Q: How often is BMAnn updated?

A: We try to add new artists & their content when we can, but we re-check previously listed artists for their new content about once or twice a year (typically around late May as it is a month before BMAnn's anniversary).If there is an artist missing, please fill out the form below.

Q: Can my art be featured for BMAnn's posts?

A: Yes 100%! We love art! Go wild!Vinyl Scratch has turned into our official/unofficial mascot (if you can't tell), so any Vinyl Scratch art is especially appreciated.We'll of course credit you, whether by the image, or if the image is used for something like a button or logo, somewhere on the site or nearby the image.

We could always use a little help

If you know the original date for any of the following, please message us!

Brass Scribe


- Founder/Owner
- Website Administrator
- Twitter Poster

Faith Star


- Founding Developer/Founding Consultant


[Twitter Privated]

- Website Editor & Consultant

A Special Thanks to the following for helping with or suggesting things for BMAnn.

These people have done some sort of contribution towards BMAnn since its founding. We appreciate everyone here, even if they contributed something small.

Luck Rock










Vylet Pony






A Special Thanks to the following for our research and data collection

The following sites helped us with our research, historical searching, missing data collection, musician additions, and more.

The Pony




The My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki



The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki


Rate Your Music



And of course, thank you to all the music sites used by the Brony Musicians & that we use for our research

Without these platforms, where would Bronies publish their music?




Apple Music




Brony Music Anniversary is considered an archive project as well as an informational social media project. It is our duty as archivists to archive as many Brony Musicians & Music (in terms of posts) as we can. However, it is not in the archivist vow to publicize it all.

You're not an archive when you delete files, but you only have to hide them from the public when you receive a takedown request.

- Brony Archivist rebane2001, Early 2021

We follow the same principle rebane states: BMAnn is still considered an archive since we do not discriminate musicians for our personal master copy/copies, but in terms of our public link pages & the content we post, we do discriminate how we share it based off the artists' actions (if we even publicly share it).With that being said, there are some artists that we will not be creating public link pages for or will not be sharing their music on the posts. They are all in our private Master Sheet to not break our archivist vows.For the most part, these artists that we publicly remove are ones that have participated in sexual assault, grooming, rape, and other heinous acts. In addition, there are some artists that we remove that have slandered other artists, their music, or their genre that they participated in.Everything is a case-by-case basis at the end of the day, but our policy here at BMAnn is separation of music and artist; we celebrate the music, not the artist. That's why, for the most part, we will still publicly share the music on the posts, but will not tag the artist nor have any links to anything that has the opportunity to support the artist (Bandcamp & Spotify especially).If there is an artist that is still in a post, please remember our policy: We separate the music from the artist. BMAnn, by posting any songs in our anniversary posts created by any artist that has participated in any heinous acts, does not support the artist nor their actions, and the songs posted are primarily there for historical, music purposes. We think of a quote from One Piece, stated by the character Tom when one of his apprentices blamed a ship for actions that occurred:

I don't care what kind of ship you made... it's neither good nor bad. You can make any ship you want! But... even if the ship kills someone or destroys the world... A creator must never disown a ship he designed! He must always love he! The ship is not to blame! When a man builds a ship... he takes pride in what he built with a don!
-Tom, One Piece Vol. 37 Ch. 356 / One Piece Episode 250

Like the ships Tom is referring to in One Piece, the music is neutral & not to blame if the musician goes to the dark side.

Last Updated: June 13, 2024


Which date of the month has the most Albums/EPs, Singles, or both

Last Updated: June 04, 2024

JanuaryJan 01 [21]Jan 01 [28]Jan 01 [49]
FebruaryFeb 14/Feb 22 [11]Feb 14 [29]Feb 14 [40]
MarchMar 15 [11]Mar 03 [29]Mar 03 [38]
AprilApr 01 [12]Apr 01 [21]Apr 01 [33]
MayMay 01 [13]May 16 [20]May 16 [30]
JuneJun 11/Jun 29 [13]Jun 05 [25]Jun 05 [34]
JulyJul 01 [12]Jul 21 [24]Jul 21 [31]
AugustAug 01 [14]Aug 04 [22]Aug 06 [30]
SeptemberSep 06 [10]Sep 22/Sep 30 [20]Sep 30 [29]
OctoberOct 31 [28]Oct 31 [49]Oct 31 [77]
NovemberNov 11 [12]Nov 01/Nov 07 [21]Nov 01 [30]
DecemberDec 25 [22]Dec 24 [36]Dec 24 [54]

Artist not on list? Please let us know on the form below:

Please check out the artists on The Brony Musicians Database for reference if we have said artist for BMAnn. We both have the same artists in our databases.